Future shifts due COVID-19

Génération Alpha | alpha beta | generation | millenial | Generation alpha | Maarten leyts | No content

More and more professionals ask the question if this pandemic will have a robust and long term effect or if things will eventually return to what was before. Will there be a new normal, and how will the generation Alpha react. In the past, during periods of great crisis or distress, such as the World Wars, kids were very resilient and accepted the new realities. Today, it looks like there will not be another "Silent Generation." Although it is difficult to look into the future and assess how this generation will respond, one expects that the current generation will be more reactive and create their new reality.

COVID-19 has hit consumers very hard. At the beginning of the crisis, 49% of the population did not go out to dinner anymore. 27% of consumers used deliveries instead. About 44% no longer went out for non-essential things, and 37% bought online and did not go out to the stores. Therefore, retail businesses and product distributors will have to change the way they work. It means that they will have to switch and offer 100% of their products online and consequently ship them out efficiently. The COVID-19 crisis now has given consumers the first acquaintance with such things as daily deliveries of household devices and home-delivered dinners from their local restaurants. In this way, young people will continue to buy online and order food online. Moreover, they will expect more from businesses due to their constant expectation. Companies will have to set up more specialized delivery solutions by advancing and optimizing their supply chain system.