Generation alpha | Maarten leyts | No content

Due to the uncertainties and persistent uncertainties about the corona crisis, the main challenge will still be to keep children occupied and entertained. Children were already very active on streaming sites such as YouTube, but more and more parents are asking for advice to help their children find useful entertainment. 

A lot of creativity was generated by the parents, but also by the community and the corporates. In the past, parents sometimes complained that their kids spend too much time on social media. However, today, the social media response to a lot of challenges. Many initiatives were taken by companies to make life at home easier for everybody. Brands reached out to the kids and took a lot of actions. Due to these efforts, young kids could still interact with their friends by, for example, playing games with each other.

At the beginning of the quarantine, small kids found it all quite exciting to stay home. After a few weeks, these young kids are much harder to handle. Parents were happy to get the support of a lot of companies who provided specific online tools to keep these youngsters busy. Maintaining a kind of daily routine in the lives of these children helps them to survive over a more extended period.

Brands have understood that there are real openings in the markets to fill a gap between life experience and virtual life. Therefore, they continue to create online playgrounds to distract both the shut-in kids and their parents. Brands not only provide content for entertaining kids but also develop a feeling of reassurance and relaxation through anxiety or distress. They also want to create an atmosphere for kids that is safe and reliable. The entertainment sector has been very active over the last weeks to promote their existing online games and to build new features for these children.