brands communication

Generation alpha Belgium | Maarten leyts Belgium | No content Belgium

As the pandemic was spreading though he world, more and more entrepreneurs and CEOs of large companies realized that their sales strategies would have to be amended in order to cope with the new challenges ahead. For years companies have build up their brand names, but suddenly their brand seemed obsolete, at least, the brands would have to rephrase their strategy in order to have a lasting impact on their sales. 

Brands were actually very quick in their response to the new environment. Contrary to the past when brands were mainly supported by ads in magazines and on screens, a new form and content was to be created. In order to find out, brands brainstormed on the strategy they would have to follow and ended up with a set of “statements or conclusions” the children would be put at the center of their actions: parents need to be interacted with new channels would have to be tapped.

More than before, brands took a lot of efforts to listen to the children as they changed their consumption habits overnight. Contrary to in the past where the brands invented the message and the children received the messages pasivelly, now the children were bringing the messages to the brands.

Brands also realized that in order to reach out to the children, it is also important to interact with the parents as they are the persons the children trust the most. This was even more important as the pandemic raised a lot of questions and uncertainty in the minds of the children. Parents were very instrumental to help their children in finding comfort. the entertainment industry has been very helpful in making the lives of parents and kids more bearable during these exceptional times.

The importance of using the correct channel was quickly understood by the brands. They used more the social media and created videos specifically aimed at the children. These videos were not only intended to sell more, but were made to either make the children to feel better and, even more important during the lockdown, to help children to survive the tragic periods. Brands sponsored sites which either help the children to do their school work or which provided creative games.

As a result, some brands were very successful in setting up a new kind of communication with their children, being the current and future consumers. It established stronger bonds between the brands and the consumers, which will have a positive impact on their long term relations. Those brands which gave comfort to the children in challenging times will be overly rewarded in the future.