Unicef movements

Génération Alpha | alpha beta | generation | millenial | Generation alpha | Maarten leyts | No content

Growing up in a connected world, we can conclude that there is a specific small group of children who experience negative feelings when using technology. However, this is not related to the time they spend on their screen. What can parents do about this? Just to pay attention to what their children do online, what content they process on the internet, and what they encounter. Screen time is not only responsible for physical inactivity as we used to say, but these days it is also responsible for physical activity: active video games or exercise videos now make young people move this according to a Unicef ​​report.

What is the added value of on-screen time in this situation of COVID-19? Social contact. By being "virtually" online, you can maintain contact with friends. Playing and communicating with others is a necessity in times of uncertainty and irregularity. Both video games and social media provide a pleasant and meaningful experience. Before, children were blamed for spending too much time on the internet; now, they will experience a sense of connectedness. Therefore, they are not limited in their social interactions. Connecting with and talking with peers can also reduce the fears these children have in these strange times.

Parental oversight - Many parents are concerned about the content of video games and the associated online risks. Therefore correct parenting strategies must be set in place to counter parents' fears. Discussing these games with the children will help parents to assess the risks of these games and will create mutual understanding assisting both parties to "do right." Parents should also observe the mood of their children as they play. Negative mood changes might indicate that the child is playing the wrong games. 

Physical exercise - As we depend on digital technology during COVID-19, the WHO has provided online and offline "active" video games and exercise classes for children to keep them physically active and entertained.