Never let children’s rights go into lockdown again

génération alpha | alpha beta | generation | millenial | Generation alpha | Maarten leyts | No content

Corona changed everything

COVID-19 has a significant impact on our society. This virus has changed everything, and everyone has felt the consequences of the epidemic. Business has had to close, people are working from home, and many people lost their job. Everyone was obliged to stay at home. But what about the kids, the Alphas?  Children and young people have had a tough time due to the virus.  Their schools were closed, and they had to take online classes, they lost all stability. Nowadays, the coronavirus stills continue to test children, young people, and their parents’ mental health.

Children’s rights commissioner

The Belgian children’s rights commissioner’s report focuses on children’s rights in corona time. He described the effects of Corona on the lives of children. Due to the Corona crisis, they were a lot of complaints. The biggest issues were getting a proper education and family issues such as divorce, adoption…. Young people mainly had and have problems related to youth assistance and healthcare.  People who reported a problem were helped as fast as possible. This means that the children’s rights commission informs and gives guidance about the complainant. They often continue to assist the reporter with advice in the various steps. Even without active intervention (investigation or mediation), they can identify issues and better situations. . 

What did they learn from the lockdown? 

The thing that this lockdown has taught us is to pay attention to children and their rights. This can be done by giving children and young people the chance to speak up about the measures that affects them. A lot of kids don’t have access to a proper education and any social contact because of COVID-19. We also must pay attention to the mental health of kids and can’t forget that social contact is a basic need for them.