The impact of gaming for Children of today


Back in the ancient days, the Athenian philosopher Plato once affirmed that plays and poems could have not such a positive impact on young people. Yes, that was a very long time ago, but some people today still don’t like the idea of children spending their time gaming or ‘wasting their time.’ Many doctors and studies show that games can cause depression, physical aggression, brain degradation, sleep deprivation, or obesity. 

the positive effects of gaming 

Not everything about gaming is or can be harmful. In 2018 a study from the UK showed that fathers and their children spend more time together because of gaming.  Better short-term memory or enhance visual attention are some of the positive effects of gaming on kids. Experts from the University of Montreal, Canada, researched the topic and found out that video games can’t be considered generally harmful. Why? Video games act a certain way on the brain; many nuances depend on the game itself and particular person’s characteristics. Another study in Nature showed that children who played videogames had better visual skills than those who didn’t. As a result, some experts suggest that playing video games could make the phenomenon “Flynn effect” happen. This phenomenon sustains an increase in intelligence test scores from one generation to the next over 80 years. Technology could make children smarter. 


Roblox is an excellent example of a multi-user online game that allows children to create their own games. This game can increase the creativity of young players. They can make any world they want and communicate with other players around the world. These young players are spending many hours playing this game, and they are emotionally connected to their accounts. Roblox wants to protect children from unwanted content, hackers, or cyber-theft. That’s why Roblox provides some resources as in-game moderation, parent guidance, or content control to help parents. 

Gaming: Good or bad?

The discussion on how gaming is affecting a younger generation will continue for a very long time. Some experts will defend the harmful effects of gaming; others will say that gaming can improve children’s skills. Parents have a big responsibility to see whether the games are changing the behaviour of their children. Parents need to take action if they realize that their children are having strange behaviour. Everything in moderation, so parents need to help their children find the balance between gaming and other activities. Balance is the key. 

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