Eating behavior of Generation Alpha

The expression “ you are what you eat” is the notion that eating healthy is good for your body and mind. The united kingdom national health service of NHS has been searching for the importance of a healthy lifestyle as a young kid. That’s one of their last projects change for life. The project is focused on generation alpha. The NHS prioritizes the healthy eating behavior of kids. They give a lot of information about food, easy healthy recipes, or the different activities that kids can do. There is also a useful weight checker, which can measure the weight of young children. Control is the key.

The last generations gave more importance to a healthy lifestyle. Generation alpha has been raised by their parents (generation y / generation z) to prioritize healthy food choices. The kids of generation alpha are being taught the different kinds of food, how to prepare it, and how they impact their bodies.

Their choices included: less meat consumption, more fruits, and vegetable consumption. These generations have tasted the different ethnic flavors and the diversity of fruit and vegetables before. The parents of these kids are more interested in what their kids eat.

During the covid-19 crisis, everyone made some changes in their life. One of those changes was spending more time at home. Parents saw the quarantine as a new opportunity to eat healthily and influence their kids to eat healthy as well.

The Belgian retail store, ‘colruyt,’ and radio station ‘studio 100’ have been following this generation alpha’s behavior. That’s why they promote their shops and website to kids to cook more healthy food. They show receipts of healthy food like ‘oat with fruit’ for breakfast or a healthy Mexican quesadilla for lunch.

Colruyt understands how important this generation is for the future. That’s why they are already trying to convert these kids into future customers. They want to make children ambassadors of vegetables and healthy food. By getting started in the kitchen themselves, kids learn in a fun way.

Generation alpha Belgium | Maarten leyts | No content