Emerging Anime Culture: Shaping the Future of Gen ZALPHA’s Virtual Experiences

Emerging Anime Culture: Shaping the Future of Gen ZAlpha’s Virtual Experiences


Anime, the captivating world of Japanese animation, has evolved from a niche interest to a global phenomenon loved by all generations, with Gen Z , Zalpha and Gen Alpha showing a particularly strong affinity. In the ever-evolving digital landscape, anime culture has become a powerful force, influencing various aspects of contemporary society. During a talk with Adam Tati, co-founder of Replica , anime culture expert and tech enthusiast, light was shed on the profound impact of anime culture on youth and its implications for the future of social media and virtual experiences.

Anime Culture Goes Mainstream:

Once confined to dedicated enthusiasts, anime now attracts a broader audience, including mainstream consumers, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha. The trend report by Adam revealed that #anime is one of the top ten most used hashtags on TikTok, with over 1344 billion views. Platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat see massive traction for anime content. Gen ZAlpha’s heavy app usage, fueled by the pandemic, has further strengthened their connection to virtual experiences and online content.

Cultural Influences: Kpop, Jpop, and Anime:

Kpop and Jpop have had a significant impact on global youth culture, especially in Europe. Their influence is likely to grow in the coming decade, shaping the preferences and interactions of young people. Research on virtual influencers and virtual humans indicates a growing interest in virtual avatars and beings, which aligns well with the preferences of Gen Alpha, who are growing up in a digitally immersive world.

Virtual Influencers: The Blurring Lines:

The distinct perspective of Gen ZAlpha on reality and virtuality has given rise to virtual influencers. These computer-generated characters, often with anime-like aesthetics, have found popularity on social media platforms, successfully engaging younger audiences and reflecting anime culture’s influence on social media trends.

The Metaverse and Brands:

Brands are exploring the Metaverse to create immersive virtual environments, allowing users to interact with their products and services. Some are selling digital assets like virtual goods, avatars, and skins within the Metaverse. However, understanding the preferences of younger generations is crucial for effective engagement in these virtual spaces.

A Vision for the Future:

As anime continues to shape mainstream culture, virtual experiences are expected to become more integrated into daily life. The rise of virtual humans and beings promises exciting developments across industries, from entertainment to customer service.


Anime culture’s impact on the digital world is undeniable, captivating hearts and minds across generations. With virtual experiences becoming more prevalent, the future holds exciting possibilities for the integration of anime culture into various aspects of our lives. As Gen Z and Gen Alpha lead the way, their preferences and interactions will shape the trajectory of digital culture for years to come.