Generation ZALPHA

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Home learning in troubeling times

Many schools close their doors until the end of the academic year 2019-2020. The school year will be different and are switching to online platforms. Students can take online lessons on platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, or watch recorded lectures at a different time. Teaching online is not always evident for all professors. Online teaching requires skills, but they too are coached. In this way, they can adapt and convey the provided learning material to the students. Because the schools are closed, students cannot use public libraries or study in libraries. Students will have to process learning material on their own. Young people follow not only online lessons in their pajamas, but also experience other disruptions in their school routines. In these times of pandemic, they miss their classmates, but they do not stop making many jokes and reach out to TikTok with funny school content.

education home generation alpha