Generation ZALPHA

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3 trends that influence the digital landscape of children

2020 was a chaotic year. The COVID-19 crisis and the lockdown measures had a significant impact on children and their parents’ lives. Children have never spent so much time at home. It has been a challenge for parents to manage not only their children’s wellbeing but also their screen time. The internet was and became an even bigger part of children’s lives. They use their online devices for almost everything in 2020, from education to communication, to entertainment.  

COVID-19 rushed the adaptation of edutech (education +technology) tools. 

COVID-19 has a significant impact on our society. This virus has changed everything, and everyone has felt the consequences of the epidemic. The education has changed; kids couldn't go to schools and have online lessons. This year was a big challenge for the government, teachers, parents, and children. 

Because of the lockdown, a lot of schools lost contact with some of their students. Not all kids have the resources to follow online class. Not all parents can afford to buy their children a computer. For children who were already struggling due to a bad home situation, the lockdown was a nightmare. We’re not only talking about not being able to get a proper education but also about the mental health of children. Being unable to have any type of social contact is hard and makes kids feel lonely.

Children spent more time online.

The amount of time children spend in front of screens has become a real concern for parents. Because of COVID-19 children are spending more and more time on their phones, tablets, and computers. They usually spend a whole day at school, but now they have online lessons so are spending even more time online.

Before the crisis, more and more people used applications that motivated its users to spend more time outside. Now, these apps are trending even more, and more initiatives help people escape their screens.

More online children, more family tools offered greater control over kids’ online activity.

With family tools, parents are reassured that their children are safe from inappropriate content. With family tools, you can monitor and limit screen time and set restrictions on certain content and app purchases. Family tools is a way to protect children from online dangers.

generation alpha covid-19 education technology home parenting