Generation ZALPHA

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Minecraft - Maarten Leyts | No Content Belgium

Not only brands but also government agencies offer online solutions to help children to evolve. The Polish government is launching a Minecraft server for all students who are in quarantine. A server will be created on which young people can find online activities and can learn things. So governments keep these young residents inside their homes.

On this server, young students can find a mysterious puzzle game with 40 levels to train mathematics. They can also create their learning methods. There are quizzes about the history of Poland and other important historical events. Competitions are there too for the youngsters: for example, the best in historic buildings have a chance to win a game laptop, a smartphone, or a camera.

In these days, Minecraft itself also offers online Fairytale Craft for free. Young people can visit the fairytale park virtually from early in the morning until midnight. In that way, the youngsters end up in another world. A world full of attractions and fairy tales comes to life. When you create a free account, this fairy tale can only get better as it adds magical sound effects.

Gaming generation z education brands