Generation ZALPHA

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8 skills needed in the Future for Alpha's

What will your children's future look like? What kind of jobs will they have when they grow up? Which skills will they have mastered? These are all questions that we can’t answer right away. What we can do is make reasonable estimations based on the circumstances in which they grow up.

Every child is different, so it difficult to generalize Generation Alpha. However, there is a lot to be said about how Generation Alpha’s mindset might develop. In the future, this generation will have to establish some skills to be able to work and survive. 

Maarten Leyts, the founder, and CEO of the young trend agency, Trendwolves, thinks that the environment in which children grow up has a crucial influence. It will influence on how they will develop as a person, what their values, norms, interests, and skills will be.

Growing up with Tech

In his book ‘Generation Alpha in beta”, Maarten Leyts describes Generation Alpha. He concludes that 2010 was a great year, not only for technology fans by the launch of the iPad but because there were technological progress and unhindered access to the internet. This technological progress will have a considerable impact on the development of Generation Alpha. 

Mark McCrindle is also a generation researcher and expert. He describes this generation as “the first generation that we can playfully see as a sociological mass experiment in which an entire segment of the world’s population is educated using screens.” Children from 2010 will become “screenagers” who grew up with the unlimited possibilities of the internet and are therefore sometimes referred to as Generation Glass.”

The Skills that the children of today will need in the future

Our society is always changing, which makes that people need to change as well. Innovation is changing our culture. These are the skills Generation Alpha will need in the future:

1.      Be “Tech-Savvy” and excellent in Online communication. 

2.      Developing: digital balance

3.      Be able to pay attention vs to be able to focus. 

4.      Fast thinking and creativity

5.      Daring to own their business 

6.      Being independent and making choices

7.      Media Literacy: Handling information at meta-level

8.      Be committed and committed to the ‘Greater good.’


Looking for more information about Generation Alpha? Visit our blogs today for more helpful tips and advice. 

technology generation alpha communication future